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  • 来源:老王梯子
Outlining is an essential tool for writers to effectively organize their thoughts and ideas before diving into the writing process. By creating a clear outline, writers can easily see the structure of their piece and ensure that their ideas flow logically from one point to the next. One of the main benefits of outlining is that it helps writers to stay focused on their main points and avoid going off on tangents. By outlining the main points and supporting details in advance, writers can ensure that they are staying on track and not getting lost in irrelevant information. Additionally, outlining can help writers to see any gaps in their arguments or areas that need further development. By laying out the main points of their piece in an outline, writers can easily identify any missing information that needs to be added before moving on to the writing stage. In conclusion, outlining is a valuable tool for writers to organize their thoughts and ideas before writing. By taking the time to create a clear outline, writers can ensure that their writing is well-structured and easy to follow for their readers.#3#
